Published on 07/26/2018 11:06 am
Epass Scholarship Application Online TS/ AP/ Kar/

Check the information about epass scholarship application status of Karnataka, Telangana, AP, HP, and Tripura. Also, available on regional websites for 2017, 2018 Academic years.Students may use different ways to search for epass like scholarship application status 2018, epass scholarship status 2017-18. but the bottom line is scholarship pending/release amount to bank account status depending on their Areas like Hyderabad or Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tripura, and HP below is the information about epass .

Epass scholarship application online:

To improve the education standards in India the government of India has implemented few steps, by introducing scholarships for the needy students. Online facilities are also available by the government through which the scholarship can be applied by the students.

Epass scholarship application online

The first question that arises in the mind of the students is that how and where to apply for the scholarship?
This is how you have to apply.
The first & foremost thing is that the applicant has to be eligible & have to produce few documents like his/her marks card, parents income certificate, applicants photo, bank account details which are basic & compulsory.
This is how you have to apply for the scholarship
Visit the official website of epass & on the right side of the screen you have to click on the apply button.
The applicant must select whether he is applying for a fresh scholarship or renewal as there is a difference between fresh and renewal forms.

If the applicant is applying for a fresh scholarship form he must mention whether it is a pre/post matric scholarship according to their need.
 All the required details have to be filled in the scholarship application form.
The documents required are:-
 SSC hall ticket number- The SSC exam number present in the hall ticket must be filled.
 Year of pass- The year in which the student has passed their exam must be filled.
 Academic year- The year for which you are applying has to be selected
 Date of birth- The most important part is to enter your date of birth & it has to match the date of birth mentioned in your marks card.
After completely filling the application it has to be submitted to the head of the institution in which you are studying with the required documents.

Online application of epass scholarship at TS/ AP/ Kar/ Tripura/Kerala

Epass Andhra Pradesh  Epass Karnataka  Epass Telangana

AP Epass Required Documents
Epass Scholarship Application
HP Epass Status

The documents which are required are compulsory to be submitted along with the application form. In case of missing of any one of the required documents, it will be a loss as the application will get rejected. All the documents have to be scanned along with the application & submit it online.

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Epass Scholarship Application Online TS AP Kar TripuraKerala